Session 1: Today we will discuss the next project which involves creating a minimum of three digitally produced mockups based on the work you did for your “Road Map” project.
Assignment #4 Restaurant Website Mockups (10 points)
Due: Week 9, Session 2 (Beginning of class)
Mockups are typically non-functional digital designs of web pages. Most designers build them in Photoshop or Illustrator. Mockups differ from wireframes in that they are complete designs featuring a logo, banner image, color scheme, specified typefaces, and content.
Create a minimum of three digitally produced mockups for one page from your “Road Map” project. Use what you have learned about UCID to create visible navigation, accessible content, and an overall useable layout. Pick a page that will contain a significant amount of content like home, about us, press, or reviews. Mockup the SAME PAGE three times in three different ways. The intent is to have a variety of design schemes to choose from or critique.
Mockup Resources:
The 960 Grid System
The 1140 Responsive Grid System
Comprehensive Guide to Mockup Design
Tips for Creating Mockups in Photoshop
Examples of Mockup Sketches
Session 2: Today Concept Summary #5 is due. Let’s discuss your concept summaries. Also, I am assigning our final concept summary for the final chapters in the book.
Concept Summary #6: “Usability and Accessibility”
Due: Week 10, Session 1 (at the beginning of class)
Write a two to three page concept summary of chapters ten, eleven, and twelve from Don’t Make Me Think. Be careful to include a discussion of each key concept from the assigned chapters. To name a few, discuss the following: the reservoir of goodwill, things that increase or decrease goodwill, skepticism regarding accessibility, fears of implementing accessibility, accessibility solutions.
1. Use MLA 7 format for your summary and works cited.
2. It is acceptable to quote the reading, but at least 80% should be in your own words.
3. Avoid platitudes or clichés like “very”, “mainly”, or “now I feel like I understand”.
4. To receive credit, bring in a stapled paper copy on the day it is due.