Session 1: Let’s continue examining JQuery behaviors and how we can apply them to our web applications. Also, here are the requirements for the mockup milestone which are due before class starts on Session 2 of Week 9.
More jQuery examples (2012)
More jQuery examples (2013)
Mockup Milestone:
Two mockups of one page design are required for in class critiques on Session 2, Week 9
- Create a minimum of two mockups of a single page that contains a typical amount of content
- No mockups of splash pages!
- Try changing navigation, typefaces, layout, color schemes and/or logos
- Acceptable formats include: jpg, gif, png, pdf, html
- Presenting your mockups in class earns you 5% of the points for the final project
- Place your mockups in a folder under your name on the drop off drive before class on session 2, week 9 (next session)
Session 2: Today we will be reviewing everyone’s mockups in class. This is a group participation project that will last most of the session due to the size of the class.