Week 8

Session 1: Today we will start working on our final project. For the final project we will be building a web site using Dreamweaver as an authoring tool. This will be the most complicated and difficult project for the class, therefore we will build the project in stages. Each stage will include a weekly, required project milestone. For each milestone you will be expected to demonstrate that you have completed specific tasks leading up to the completion of the project by week 11, Session 1.

For complete instructions download the following word document:
Assignment 10: Final Web Site

Session 2: Today I’ll be demonstrating how to design a web page using tables. As we begin designing the final web site, keep in mind areas of the screen needed for design elements, navigation, and content.

Final Project Milestone 1:
1. Demonstrate how to set document properties in Dreamweaver
2. Show an example of a table centered with content and background colors
3. All text content must be set to a typeface other than the default

Week 9

Session 1: Today I’ll be demonstrating some techniques in Dreamweaver to help you setup the navigation links on your final website project. I also show you how to produce the “Photos” page where you are expected to have a minimum of four thumbnails organized on the same page. I suggest that you make each thumbnail exactly the same dimensions. This means you may have to crop your images for the thumbnail, but the full size versions can maintain the original aspect ratio.

Session 2: Today I’ll be reviewing how to upload your content to the OLS server. We will also be reviewing your projects to make sure you are meeting the second milestone requirements (listed below).

Final Project Milestone 2:
1. Have a minimum of two pages completed
2. Be prepared to illustrate your navigation functioning on two pages
3. Show two examples of your content uploaded to your OLS account

Week 10

Session 1: Today I’ll be demonstrating how to present a Flash animation in a web page. I will also be showing some more techniques for improving the overall design of your final websites. For example, I’ll show how to make the larger content that expands when clicking on thumbnail images into the same design format as the rest of your pages. We will also make a list of things that you can do to improve your site

Session 2: Today is the third and last of our project milestones. It’s also the last opportunity to get feedback on your final project. For milestone number three we are expecting you to have all five of your pages uploaded to the OLS as well as your navigation and Flash animation all working properly.

Project Milestone 3:
1. It’s recommended that you have you site completed and ready for final feedback
2. All five pages of your final website must be uploaded to the OLS
3. Navigation must complete and work from each page to every other page
4. The Flash bouncing ball animation must function properly on the Animation page

Week 11

Session 1: Final Web Site presentations.

Session 2: Final Web Site presentations continued.