Week 1

Session 1: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allow web developers much more control over the look of their web pages than with HTML alone. They make it possible to define styles globally for a site, eliminating the need for repetitive font tags, color tags, alignment attributes and so on. This creates better organization by separating form from structure. CSS is a critical tool for any web designer and makes creating sites infinitely faster and easier, once you’ve learned how to use them. There are four ways to include styles in your HTML documents.

1. Local or Inline is right inside a tag and overrides other definitions. Example: <h1 style="color: orange; font-size: 18pt; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif">This is an INLINE style</h1>

This is an INLINE style

2. Global or Embedded. A better solution is to include the style definitions in a style tag otherwise known as by using the global (embedded) technique. Like this example:

<title>Style Demo Page 1</title>
<style type="text/css">
h1 { color: red; font-size: 24px; font-family: arial }
p { text-indent: 1cm; background: #eeeeee; font-family: courier }
td { font-family: arial }
b, i { color: green; font-size: 20px }
<p>Hello World</p>
<tr><td>I'm in a TD tag with no font tag</td></tr>
<b>bold. <u>underline</u> within bold (no style)</b><br />

3. Linked stylesheets are even better because they allow you to define the styles for an entire website once, then when you modify the stylesheet the changes take effect over the entire site, or wherever the stylesheet is linked. Here’s how you link a stylesheet:

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/im2420/my_styles.css" type="text/css">

and here’s what the stylesheet document (my_styles.css) looks like:

/* CSS Document */
h1 { color: red; font-size: 24px; font-family: arial }
p { text-indent: 1cm; background: #eeeeee; font-family: courier }
td { font-family: arial }
b, i { color: green; font-size: 20px }

4. Imported stylesheet go within a style tag, thus allowing you to include other global styles which will override what’s imported. In the following example the h1 definition will override the h1 definition found in my_styles.css:

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
@import url(my_styles.css);
h1 { color: #FF00FF; font-family: impact }
textarea { text-transform: uppercase }

Click any of the following links to view the examples we looked at in class:

Reading assignment: Stylesheets are extremely powerful and critical to creating useable, consistent and accessible sites. Please take the time to read the following tutorial and checkout other resources so you can take advantage of these techniques in your projects (note: using stylesheets is a requirement in all subsequent projects).
Web Monkey Stylesheet Tutorial (Getting Started)
W3Schools CSS Reference
Brainjar CSS Positioning Tutorial
Selectutorial – CSS selectors

Session 2: Today we will discuss the requirements for the UX Evaluation Project as well as begin demonstrations that relate to the project.

Assignment 1: “User Experience” (UX) Evaluation Project
Due: Session 2, Week 3 (15 points)

Create single page with the layout, images and type all formatted using HTML5 and CSS. Write the content for your web page as an evaluation of a website that you consider has poor UXD. Evaluate the website outlining how your example site does not adequately apply the UX criteria (SCANMIC) defined in the reading materials. The site you evaluate must be accessible over the internet and shouldn’t be too high profile or contain inappropriate materials. Make sure you include links to the pages that you’re evaluating in your web document also include images to illustrate your points. A zip file of your evaluation web page must be uploaded by session 2 of week 3.

1. Select a poorly designed “under the radar” website to evaluate.
2. Write a paragraph or two of content for each of the seven SCANMIC points.
3. Create anchors with navigation to each point from the top of the page.
4. Use an imported CSS document to format the type and images.
5. Upload your evaluation to your student webspace by session 2 of Week 3.

Student Example:
SCANMIC Student Example

Reading Assignment (PDF):
Identifying Web Usability Criteria

Points Breakdown:
2 points are awarded for coding headers, anchors, images, and divs within the document
4 points are awarded for illustrating normal flow layout, CSS styles, and basic typesetting
4 points are awarded for writing and presenting an informed critique of the chosen site

Week 2

Session 1: Today we will select students for the Google-Fu assignment. This participation assignment requires each student to research and comment about the content for a particular week of the class.

Assignment 2: “Google-Fu” Interactive Design Research Skills
Due: Before Session 2 of the Assigned Week (6 points)

Each student will be assigned one of nine weeks (2-10) from the class content. The student is required to research the content for their week using Google and find three current and relevant web-based articles about the subject(s) contained within their assigned week that are not already included in the class content. The link to each article and a 1-3 sentence description must be entered as a comment on the class website before session 2 of the assigned week.

1. Enter one comment with three links and descriptions for the assigned week
2. Make sure the links are current, relevant, and not previously included
3. Enter your comment 24 hours before session 2 of the assigned week for approval

Points Breakdown:
1 point is awarded for each relevant link
1 point is awarded for an accurate description of the article

Following the discussion about the assignment we will discuss the purpose, syntax, and techniques of CSS. For some of you this topic might be review and for others it may feel advanced. Please be familiar the following:

CSS Tutorial at W3Schools

After our discussion we will continue the demonstrations for the UX Evaluation Project. Topics covered will include list-based navigation, page jumps, and floating images.

Session 2: Today I would like to begin discussing JavaScript. This language is the most widely use scripting language for front-end development on the web. It is used in almost every modern web application for both desktop and mobile platforms. Some of the task JavaScript is used for include: client-side scripting, form validation, UI enhancements, HTML5 canvas animations, servers side scripting (Node.js). During our demonstration today we will implement several examples of JavaScript including the animated scrolling technique seen below (source: learningjquery.com). This script relies on jQuery, so we will also cover the process of including jQuery in our environments.

	$(function() {
	    $('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').click(function() {
	    if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
	      var target = $(this.hash);
	      target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
	      if (target.length) {
	          scrollTop: target.offset().top
	        }, 1000);
	        return false;

Relevant Resources:
Official jQuery Site
W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial
Mozilla Developer Network JS Documentation

Week 3

Session 1: During studio time today I will be giving final feedback sessions for your UX Evaluation Projects. The feedback sessions will occur in groups determined at the beginning of class. Each group will meet to critique each others project and then report their critiques to me for final feedback. This is the last opportunity to get feedback before the project presentations during our next meeting. Please be prepared by having the following milestone completed before class begins.

UX Evaluation Study Milestone
1. Finalize the color scheme, layout, typesetting, navigation, and interactivity for your project
2. Include a minimum of four optimized images that illustrate your points
3. Have written content in place for a minimum of four of the specified criteria

Session 2: Today we will present the UX Evaluation Projects. Following the presentation we will review the requirements for the next project: the JavaScript Calculator Web Application. This project is intended as an introduction to the basics of JavaScript. As we move on to projects that will use the jQuery framework to enhance user experience it is important that you have a basic understanding of the language on its own.

Assignment 2: Simple JS Calculator Web Application (10 Points)
Due: Session 1, Week 5 (Beginning of Class)

Build a simple calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At a minimum the calculator must be able to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Use html forms to create a text field for the numbers, buttons for the functions and operators (+,-,*,/), and buttons to calculate and clear the text field. Add more functions such as percent, modulus, square root, and/or exponents. This exercise will help create an understanding of variables, expressions, assignment operators, logical operators, and functions. Use the Mozilla JavaScript Reference to look up the Math object and other functions and syntax.

1. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a Calculator
2. The tool must give the correct answer for an expression of two numbers
3. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are required operators
4. Add additional functions such as percent, modulus, or exponents
5. Do NOT use the eval() function (here’s why not)
6. Use CSS to style the calculator and enhance the user interface
7. Upload your project to the student webspace by session 1 of Week 5

Point Breakdown:
5 points are awarded for properly functioning features within the calculator application
5 points are awarded for user experience design considerations and the look & feel of the app