Week 2

Session 1: Today we will begin an extended examination of the Open Source Processing language for experimental projects and research. Developed by Ben Fry and Casey Reas at MIT Processing has been used by artists, students, instructors, scientists, data visualization studios, and many others since 2001. If you have had IM2490 Motion Scripting then you have probably used Processing.js, a port of the Processing language to Javascript by jQuery founder, John Resig. In this class we will focus on using the Processing IDE (integrated development environment).

Session 2: Today let’s review the requirements for Special Topics: Problem Set #1. Out first problem set originates from examples that are packaged with the Processing IDE. Upcoming problem sets will require the book Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists.

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Special Topics: Problem Set #1 (5 points)
1. Create a new Processing sketch from the example found under Basics > Arrays > Array2D.
2. Modify the example in a minimum of five places to produce your new sketch.
3. Experiment with fill colors, background color, dimensions, coordinates, strokes, etc.
4. Save your experiment on the drop off drive under “John Keston/IM4490/Last, First/Problem Set 1/Array2D_demo.pde”
5. Be prepared to explain your modifications before class starts on session 1, week 3.