Week 9

Session 1: Let assess our progress so far on the Drop Off LMS and identify and prioritize several tasks that will work toward making the system functional at a rudimental level.

Session 2: Today I’d like you to think about what you will add to the system that is not part of the demos. Simply duplicating what I have presented in class is not enough for a passing grade on this project.

Your contributions might include:
1. HTML5 / Javascript form validation
2. Significant changes to the layout, styles, and typography
3. Carefully crafted content (classes/users/projects) within the system
4. Backend functionality that has not been shown during the demos

Once we have made the assessment I will continue by demonstrating how to implement the features that have been identified as a priority.

One thought on “Week 9”

  1. Going off of discussing necessities for any management system, I looked into essentials elements all CMS’s and LMS’s “should” have. The first article lists 10 things a “perfect” CMS would have from the point of a user, but as a developer I believe a lot can be learned from thinking about the user’s perspective. The second focuses on a more raw and different look at creating CMS’s and the third discusses elements of a user interface that make it effective.

    1. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/05/10-things-to-consider-when-choosing-the-perfect-cms/

    2. http://www.clevegibbon.com/2013/07/content-management-back-to-basics/

    3. http://usabilitypost.com/2009/04/15/8-characteristics-of-successful-user-interfaces/

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