Week 5

Session 1: Today we will use phpMyAdmin to start analyzing the WordPress database schema. How do the tables included interact? What sort of data is stored and how can we access it in ways distinct from the WordPress framework? How would we write a plugin to access data differently? These are some of the questions we’ll be going over as well as an exercise in using the DML to retrieve data from WordPress in our own format.

Web Applications Final Project Plan Requirements
(In progress)

1. Title Page (include TOC, etc.)
2. Project Overview
3. Feature List (w/Brief Descriptions for each Feature)
4. Database Flowchart / Schema
5. Wireframes (make sure forms are included)

Also: Template Tag Explanation Assignment Due Today

Session 2: Today we will be presenting our Open Source Implementation Projects. Presenting your project is required and worth a minimum of one half of one grade point. As you present, discuss why you selected the software you used, how you customized the features and what you did to change the visual nature of the front end.

The following code example displays a tag cloud in your sidebar and then prevents tag with only one topic from being show in the cloud.

    $defaults = array('smallest' => 11, 'largest' => 27, 'unit' => 'px', 'number' => 100, 
                      'format' => 'array', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC');
    $tags_array = wp_tag_cloud($defaults);
    $needle = ' topics';
    foreach( $tags_array as $tag ) {
        if ( stristr($tag,$needle) ) {
            echo( $tag." " );

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