Week 9

Session 1: In today’s demo I will address some of the questions from last week. This may include one or more of the following topics

1. Image Capture
2. Server Side Functions with PhoneGap (using AJAX)
3. Saving In-App Progress or Preferences (Local Storage)
4. Share Buttons
5. Push notifications

Here’s a few links to related resources.
Capturing Camera Data without PhoneGap
PhoneGap Local Storage Documentation
Building a Native Mobile App with Cordova and jQuery Mobile

Session 2: I will not be in class today. Please use the class period as studio time and be prepared to share your findings next week. Thanks!

One thought on “Week 9”

  1. This is a nice reference for options other than phonegap.

    An article from Smashing Magazine about Hybrid Mobile Apps. There are also some good tips located towards the bottom of the article.

    A good article comparing native apps, hybrid apps and web apps and exploring some of the benefits and drawbacks of each.

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