Week 7

Session 1: This week I will be demonstrating the process of converting a simple jQuery Mobile web application to a bundled hybrid app using the Cordova/PhoneGap. Adobe provides an online service to make this process easier, but we will start by using the CLI (command-line-interface). If you plan to use this technique for your final project you may prefer to use Adobe PhoneGap Build. This service allows for one free private app and unlimited Open Sources apps hosted on a public GitHub repository.

Steps to install PhoneGap and build a project using the CLI:

1. Make sure you have properly installed the Android SDK and included it in your PATH

export ANDROID_HOME=${PATH}:/Users/john/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/john/android-sdk-macosx/tools:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/john/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:

2. Follow steps to install PhoneGap via the command line here.
3. Follow the steps on the PhoneGap Android Platform Guide.
4. If you get the error: Failed to run “ant -version”, make sure you have “ant” installed and added to your PATH, run the following to install Apache ant:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install ant

5. Once the project has been successfully built text it on an emulator or a device

Session 2: Today we will continue working on getting your environments setup for mobile app development.