Week 8

Session 1: Today we will be completing the insertDOUser method within the DOUser class. This will not take very long since it is a very similar process to creating the insertDOClass method for the DOClass class. Afterward we will shift gears slightly and create a method for the DOClass class that retrieves the items in the dropoff_classes table. Will we code the method so that it can either show all classes, or all classes specific to a particular user.

Session 2: Today will we continue coding the DropOff classes and methods as well as the controller. During the lab time I will be checking off that each student has met a list of required milestones.

LMS “Drop Off” Project Milestone #1
During lab time today, please be prepared to demonstrate the following features from the Drop Off project on your shared hosting service.

1. Illustrate that the session based authentication system is operating properly.

2. Show that your dashboard (index.php) displays the forms for adding classes and users.

3. Confirm that the insertDOClass and insertDOUser methods are active and functional from the dashboard.

4. Display a list of classes on the dashboard using the getDOClasses method and the scope resolution operator.