Week 6

Session 1: Here’s an example of particle behavior to get you started on the Dynamic Particle System project (20 points) that was assigned in session 2 of week 5. This is example (linked below) was adapted from Daniel Shiffman’s Simple Particle example on Processing.org for use with Processing.js

Shiffman Particles

Session 2: Today we will continue looking at ways to manipulate our particle system through form fields, keyboard, and mouse interaction. We will add modes, color choices, and other student suggested features during the class demo.

Let’s also take a look at the Web Audio API. This system provides methods to allow sound to be played, recorded, analyzed, processed, and synthesized.

3 thoughts on “Week 6”

  1. here are the links that can give us the tutorial for processing.js for window 8 javascript application. they have the videos too, so it really help.

    This blog site teach you how to do the interactive graph in 3D with processing.

    For this site, i love the most as it has a lot of samples for me to look at and listen to how they use the audio for the web.

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