Interactive Rectangles By John Keston

int rectMax,timer = 1000,tDelay = 1000,bgcolor = 0,stkColor = 255;
int rectSize,rectAlpha,bottom,w = 800,h = 600;
int angle = 0,cd,ca = 1;
float ra = -1.0,aa = 1.0;
boolean strokeOff = true, resetBG = false;

void setup() {
  size( w,h );
  background( bgcolor );
  rectMax = int( h * 0.70 );
  rectSize = rectMax;
  rectAlpha = 128;
void mouseMoved() {
  timer = 0;
void keyPressed() {
  if ( keyCode == UP ) {
    rectAlpha += 5;
    if (rectAlpha > 255) {
      rectAlpha = 255;
  if ( keyCode == DOWN ) {
    rectAlpha -= 5;
    if (rectAlpha < 0) {
      rectAlpha = 0;
  if ( key == ' ' ) {
    strokeOff = !strokeOff;
  if ( key == 'r' ) {
    rectSize = rectMax;
    background( bgcolor );
void draw() {  
  if ( resetBG ) {
    background( bgcolor );
    resetBG = false;
  timer += 1;
  cd += ca;
  if ( strokeOff ) {
  else {
    stroke( stkColor );
  fill( cd,rectAlpha );
  translate( w / 2,h / 2 );
  rotate( radians(angle) );
  rectMode( CENTER );
  rect( 0,0,rectSize,rectSize );
  if ( timer < tDelay ) {
    rectSize -= ( mouseY - h / 2 ) * 0.05;
    angle += ( mouseX - w / 2 ) * 0.05;
  else {
    // no mouse input for tDelay frames so
    // it's time to automate the rects
    if ( random(25) > 24 ) {
      aa *= -1;
    if ( random(25) > 24 ) {
      ra = -1 * random( 1 );
    rectSize += ra;
    angle += aa;
  if ( rectSize < 1 ) {
    rectSize = 0;
    if ( timer > tDelay ) {
      resetBG = true;
      strokeOff = true;
      rectAlpha = round( random(255) );
      rectSize = rectMax;
  if ( rectSize > rectMax ) {
    rectSize = rectMax;
    if ( timer > tDelay ) {
      background( 255,0,255 );
  if ( cd > 254 ) { 
    ca = -1;
  if ( cd < 1 ) { 
    ca = 1;